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Features of high-performance LED screens in terms of performance and specifications | Enbon LED Display Manufacture

LED screen has been around for a long time. It has become a part of our lives in many areas. While the technology itself is new but innovation and the changing needs of the market have brought LED to some new heights.

product newsEnbon LED
Aug 31, 2023 at 2:15pm by

LED screen has been around for a long time. It has become a part of our lives in many areas. While the technology itself is new but innovation and the changing needs of the market have brought LED to some new heights.

LED Displays are made of many parts. Each part plays a different role in the performance of the LED screens. Many parameters enhance the ability of the LED Display performance greatly. We will be listing down the major features of an LED screen that make it work like magic.

Features of a High-Performance LED Screen
There are some things that you need to consider before buying an LED screen. Here are some of the features that a high-performance LED screen consists of:
1. Power Consumption
LEDs are energy-efficient light-emitting devices. It is best to buy an LED screen that consumes less power. The P20 full-color outdoor LED performs best in the video playback state. The screen’s average power consumption in this range is 250W per square meter. These screens come in large sizes and have a long playing time.
Higher brightness LEDs also create a display and make low current to be used. In general, the brightness of red, green, and blue LEDs can be increased by 20%. The power consumption of the display is reduced by 15%.

2. Lifespan
A device with a long life span is beneficial for you. LED devices offer a lifespan of around 100,000 hours. It is much larger than the working life of other components. As long as the LED device quality is guaranteed, the PCB heat dissipation design can be reasonable.

3. Viewing angle
The viewing angle of the LED full-color display can be determined by the viewing angle of the LED device. Most of the outdoor LED DIP display screens come with a 546 elliptical LED. They have a horizontal viewing angle of 110°.

4. Brightness
Brightness is the basic indicator that makes your LED screen a good one. The LED full-color display comes with a brightness of 5000 nits whereas the indoor display should not be less than 800 nits. The brightness in the whole screen will depend on the superposition of the brightness. The brightness is proportional to the ratio of 3:6:1. Your LED screen should have a maximum brightness of 2500 points (6).
The color of the LED device should consist of the LED full-color display. It also depends on the wavelength of the LED. The range of the color difference is large and might affect the consistency of the display color. This is why it is best to buy an LED screen that has a wavelength range of red, green, and blue.

5. Angle
LED full-color display is made up of one-angle LED devices. If the LED device angles are not constant, then it can be a cause for concern. You should buy an LED screen that comes with the necessary chromaticity consistency. The change in the viewing angle can also affect the brightness and chromaticity consistency. There is a lot of difference between high-end LED full-color displays so be cautious while buying your device.

6. Size
The size of the LED device will affect the pixel distance of your LED screen resolution. A 5mm elliptical lamp is best for the outdoor display. The size of the screen above P16 is most suitable for people who are looking for an outdoor display. Make sure to check that the dot pitch is constant, and the LED pixel size can also be increased according to your needs. The increase in the display area will help you to reduce the graininess. Since the black area is reduced, you can also reduce the contrast. The LED pixel size is reduced and graininess will also be reduced.

7. Wavelength
The LED full-color display is made up of three types red, green, and blue LEDs. Each LED screen is measured by wavelength. The color of the display can also be connected to the wavelength. The average wavelength will determine the dynamic color gamut inside the LED full-color display. The wavelength of your LED screen should be around 470 nm. High-quality LED full-color displays also offer a wide range of color gamut range.

8. Resilience
An important indicator of the LED full-color display is its resilience. The blind spot rate of the LED depends entirely on the quality of the LED device. LED devices come with a wide range of sampling tests. The LED screens go through a wide range of tests. It is important to buy your device from a reliable company Enbon. The testing includes temperature lighting, high temperature, and high humidity. High-quality LED devices come with a 1000-hour failure rate.

9. Memory
The memory of your LED screen is an important factor if you are buying an outdoor LED display. It is a major characteristic of the stability of your display. The stronger the memory the higher the refresh rate will be. The general display refresh rate reaches 300HZ if your LED screen has a good memory. This refresh rate requires more than 600HZ and also comes with a lot of control systems.

10. Control System
The control system of your LED display plays an important role in making your LED screen work. It is best to choose an LED screen that comes with a higher refresh rate. You should always go for an LED screen that is equipped with an LED control synchronization system. The technology has advanced a lot and nee screens are designed with an easy-to-control navigation system. An LED screen with a well-designed control system will allow you to use your LED screen easily without any hassle. Conclusion
If you are planning to buy an LED screen, then it is best to get in touch with Enbon. The company sells some of the highest quality LED screens with the best features. It is important to buy a premium quality screen with the best features as this will allow you to get the maximum benefits from it.

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