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How Long Can You Expect An Indoor Fixed Led Display To Last?|Enbon LED Display Manufacture

How long can you expect an indoor fixed led display to last?Installing a high quality indoor fixed LED display is a big investment, especially for small businesses.

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Sep 05, 2023 at 2:50pm by

How long can you expect an indoor fixed led display to last? Installing a high quality indoor fixed LED display is a big investment, especially for small businesses. While these screens make advertising and displaying information easier, many companies are skeptical about the life expectancy of these indoor displays.

While there is mixed information on the internet about how long an LED screen wall can last, the truth is that these displays are durable and can last for many years before losing functionality. An LED screen display by a reputed company such as EnBon can last more than 11 years. With that said, some LED displays are known to last upwards of 15 years, so there are many factors that can prolong or decrease the lifespan of these LEDs.

If you were wondering if installing an LED for advertisement or promotional purposes is a worthwhile investment, then read on. This article will explain the topic of indoor LED screens' expected lifespan in detail. We will also cover the factors that can affect the useful life of these displays and how you can prolong the lifespan of these advertisement LEDs.

What is the expected lifespan of an LED screen wall?

As mentioned at the start of the article, a high-quality LED display can last between 11 to 15 years. For example, the premium LED screen walls by EnBon are designed to work for 50000 to 100000 hours. Even after the 100000 mark, the LED screens could still serve you even longer if installed in ideal conditions.

Since LED displays are a fairly recent technology, their expected lifespan hasn't been tested extensively. The modern LED displays you see today started their journey as basic displays around 30 years ago. So the life expectancy of large LED displays is yet to be determined.

However, as mentioned earlier, if you buy your LED screen from a reputed company that uses high-quality materials, you can expect your screens to last at least 11 years. Keep in mind that when we say an LED panel can last for 11 years, we are talking in terms of nonstop 24/7 on time. So if your LEDs are not being used all day, they will face less ware and can remain functional even longer.

What factors affect the useful life of LED displays?

By now, it is clear that an LED display's life expectancy is affected by several factors. Some factors can be easily controlled, while others may be difficult to overcome. Without further ado, here are some factors that can increase or decrease the useful life of your LED screen display:

The indoor temperature: One of the biggest factors that contribute to the degradation of LED displays, and any other type of screen for that matter, is heat. So even though your display is installed indoors, if it gets direct sunlight or has a heat source pointed directly at the display, it will heat up more and degrade faster.

Multiple components make an LED display work, and all these components are sensitive to heat. Therefore, any screen exposed to high heat for prolonged periods or generates too much heat will wear out faster.

LED screen design allows it to dissipate most of the heat produced by its internal components. However, external heat sources are a major threat to indoor screens.

Proper ventilation: Leaving plenty of space between the LED display and the wall allows for adequate ventilation, which prolongs the screen's lifespan. If there isn't enough ventilation to blow heat away from critical components of the LED screen display, it can wear out faster.

Most high-quality LED display walls come with built-in cooling and ventilation systems. As long as they have room to push hot air away, they will keep working at their optimal capacity for as long as possible.

Regular maintenance: Like any other electronic or mechanical equipment, an LED display wall requires regular maintenance. Reputed companies like EnBon even provide lifelong maintenance services for their LED screens. A display that is professionally maintained is going to be in better shape than an unmaintained screen.

Even the smallest LED screen is made up of complex circuits that need to be looked after to ensure functionality. A professional LED maintenance team has the knowledge and tools to fix potential issues before they damage the screen.

Therefore a properly maintained LED is going to have a longer lifespan, and it is going to perform better as well.

How to prolong the lifespan of an indoor fixed LED display?

Now that you know what factors can affect the useful life of an LED display, it is important to understand what steps you can take to prolong its lifespan. Here are some helpful tips that can help you in making an LED screen last as long as possible:

Regular cleaning: Apart from routine maintenance by professional technicians, something as simple as regular cleaning of the LED display can prolong its life. If excessive dust settles on the components of an LED screen, it can hinder heat dissipation and cause overheating.

So it is best to regularly disconnect the LED from its power source and blow away any dust from the LED module and other components.

Keep moisture away: If an LED display gets wet, it can almost instantly malfunction if it is not waterproof. Apart from direct splashes of water, you should also make sure the indoor environment is not too humid, as humidity in the air can also cause issues with the LED's circuits.

Physical stress and movement: Fixed led displays are meant to be fitted in one location, and they aren't designed to handle movement, vibrations, or frequent relocation. So by keeping your LEDs at the same spot and preventing unnecessary movement, you can keep them working in peak condition for longer.


So there you have it. LED display screens are durable, and they are designed to last for over a decade. However, you need to take proper care when using these displays if you want to benefit from the long lifespan of these screens.

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