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Summary of Enbon annual meeting activities and future prospects

As 2023 comes to an end, Enbon's 2023 annual meeting will be held as scheduled. Now, let us review the wonderful moments of this annual meeting!

Enbonannual meetingsummary
Jan 30, 2024 at 4:36pm by

Enbon 2023 Annual Meeting Summary

As 2023 draws to a close, Enbon successfully held its annual meeting to reflect on the past year's achievements and set the stage for future prospects. The gathering encompassed various activities aimed at fostering employee engagement, recognition, and team building.

1. Personal Year-End Summaries

In this insightful session, each employee took center stage to share their year-end summary. Beyond showcasing work results and experiences, participants expressed expectations and suggestions for the company. This session deepened understanding among employees and provided valuable feedback to company management.

2. Commendation Ceremony

The evening featured a grand and solemn commendation ceremony, where outstanding individuals and teams received accolades. Awards included recognition for outstanding employees, exceptional teams, 1-year and 3-year service awards, best newcomer awards, performance breakthrough awards, and performance contribution awards. This ceremony significantly boosted employee morale and fostered team cohesion.

3. Lucky Draw Event

The on-site lucky draw added an element of excitement to the annual meeting. Prizes ranging from suitcases and massagers to juicers and hair dryers, with the highly anticipated cash prize, brought surprise and joy to participants. The lucky draw enhanced the overall atmosphere of the gathering.

4. Dinner Session

Amid a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, attendees shared a sumptuous dinner. The delightful setting facilitated idea exchange and shared happiness, reinforcing mutual connections and friendships among employees.

5. Summary and Future Prospects

As the new year approaches, the company emphasized the need to not only reflect on past achievements and shortcomings but also to anticipate future development prospects. The annual meeting, as a crucial team event, served as an opportunity to showcase company culture and values. The event's success was evident in the enhanced understanding, friendship, and sense of belonging among employees. Acknowledging everyone's hard work and participation, Enbon looks forward to an even more exciting annual meeting in the coming year.

Thank you all for your dedication and commitment to Enbon's success!

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