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Open your heart and listen to me, I want to tell you

Enbon successfully held the "I Want to Tell You" event, which not only deepened the friendship among colleagues, but also built a bridge for the integration of new members, and celebrated the special day of the July birthday in a relaxed and happy way.

birthday party
Jul 29, 2024 at 11:46am by
On a warm and sunny afternoon, Enbon successfully held a unique "I want to tell you" event, which not only deepened the friendship among colleagues, but also built a bridge for the integration of new members. At the same time, it celebrated the special day of the July birthday in a relaxed and happy way, and through a unique Tucao conference, let laughter and understanding flow in the team.

Introduction of new colleagues
At the beginning of the event, we specially set up a new colleague introduction session, so that several new faces who recently joined the team had the opportunity to stand in front of everyone and share their professional background, hobbies and future prospects. Each new colleague showed his personal charm in his own unique way, some were humorous and witty, and some were sincere and sincere, which quickly narrowed the distance between him and his old colleagues. Through this session, everyone not only had a deeper understanding of the new members, but also felt the warmth and tolerance of the team family.

July birthday party
Then, we ushered in the highlight of this event-the July birthday party. As the cheerful music sounded, the colleagues who celebrated their birthdays this month were surrounded by everyone and walked to the cake, with happy smiles on their faces. We sang the birthday song together and sent the most sincere blessings to the birthday stars. The exquisite cakes and delicate snacks, every bite is sweet, and it is also the embodiment of team care. On this special day, everyone's hearts are more closely connected because of the common celebration.

I want to tell you
If the first two links are synonymous with warmth and sweetness, then the following Tucao Conference is a feast of relaxation and humor. In this link, we encourage everyone to "complain" about the small episodes, misunderstandings or daily fun things encountered at work in a relaxed and humorous way. But the "complaint" here is not a real complaint, but a way to enhance mutual understanding and tacit understanding by means of self-mockery and mutual mockery. Everyone talked and laughed continuously, which not only relieved the work pressure, but also enhanced the feelings between colleagues and made the team atmosphere more harmonious and harmonious.

The event ended successfully with laughter and joy. It is not only a simple gathering, but also an important opportunity to enhance team cohesion. The addition of new colleagues has injected fresh blood into the team, the celebration of the July birthday party has filled the team with warmth and care, and the holding of the Tucao Conference has deepened the mutual understanding and trust among team members in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. We believe that through such activities, our team will be more united and more combative, and jointly meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.

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